Chiropractic care restores health and prevents injury by improving the structural integrity of the body, primarily the spine. The brain communicates with the rest of the body via the spinal cord and nervous system. When functioning perfectly, this communication is uninterrupted, and the messages go to and from the brain without interference.
Every joint in the spine has a disc. Discs allow the spine to move, providing stability and flexibility. Discs allow us to twist, bend forwards, bend backwards, and from side to side. Each intervertebral disc is made of very strong tissue, with a gel-like center.
In order for the disc to maintain a good, healthy condition and to function properly, the disc must be well hydrated. If the discs start to lose water, it will dry out and as a result, be easily damaged. Since there is no direct water supply to the discs, when we walk or run, the perfectly aligned spine will create a pumping action in the joints. This motion will draw water to the discs, so the discs can receive water continuously and maintain hydration.
Because of daily stress from poor posture, lack of exercise, and weak muscle tone, the spinal joint(s) can be weakened and the joint(s) can go out of alignment. The misaligned joint(s) will lose the normal pumping action which will lead to dehydration to the disc. Eventually, the disc can be torn, inflamed, herniated, and/or degenerated.